E-Fulfilment We offer smooth and reliable shipping/storage for local and overseas FBA purchases, concentrating on meeting timetables, providing instant updates and high-quality service.
We work exclusively with Amazon sellers in the UK and overseas and process a high volume of air and sea shipments on a daily basis. When using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), you store your goods in Amazon Fulfillment Centres and then we pick up, pack, ship and add our well-known and loved ‘personal touch’ customer service.
We work with Amazon sellers in the UK and overseas processing a high volume of shipments on a daily basis which arrive into the UK by Air and Sea.
We also offer guidance to first time E-Commerce or FBA shippers.
Here is a step by step guide of what we offer to our FBA customers:

You source the product

We ship it for you to any selected Global FBA location

We pick up from the port, customs clear & store it for you

We deliver to the FBA warehouse for you

You avoid haulier non-compliance fines

We check everything runs smoothly and on time

We only use Amazon approved partners